Stirrings and New beginnings | I’m back!

Hello again everyone! I seem to be back 😀

Although “back” is rather misleading. I was always “here”, both figuratively and literally. Following my ‘Farewell‘ post some eight months back, I kept visiting the blog and ensuring I replied to any new comments popping up every now and then on any posts.

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Books I’ve Read In 2017

Stacks of books

It takes me around 2.5-3 weeks to read a 200-page book. With that in mind, I’ve calculated that over the years my annual read of The Lord of the Rings occupies a good 3-month period. This year I’ve managed to whittle that down to 2.5 months – which is impressive for me. Although I know the source material and seem to breeze through each page, I never somehow manage to complete the book in that 1 or 2-week reading period that some fans claims to be able to do. Continue reading “Books I’ve Read In 2017”

Why I keep reading The Lord of the Rings over and over again


… as well as The Hobbit, The Silmarillion and his other works.

This applies pretty much to any kind of book and book lover out there.

What really compels one to read the same book time and time again, when they already know the outcome?

Since this post also serves as a kind of self-reflective examination, I thought best to write it down as a monologue between myself, to try and understand what moves one to re-read a favourite piece of literature over and over. It reminds me of Galileo Galilei’s Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, in which three individuals discuss differing views on the orbit of the Earth and the Sun.

Continue reading “Why I keep reading The Lord of the Rings over and over again”

TTRT: The Silmarillion – Chapter Nine

Kinslaying at Alqualonde (header)

The Fall of Elvenkind

Since this chapter is quite long I decided to tackle it on its own for this week. As always, stick-figures make a persistent return.

Chapter 9 – Of The Flight of the Noldor

Melkor has wreaked havoc in Valinor. The Two Trees lie dead in the darkness of the world. As the Valar convene in Máhanaxar (“the Ring of Doom”), they mourn the staggering loss they have suffered and decide on what to do next. Continue reading “TTRT: The Silmarillion – Chapter Nine”

Reading a Tolkien Passage: Help!

Middle-earth map help

I may have written some tips on how to tackle Tolkien’s works, but that doesn’t mean I’m an expert – in any way. On the contrary, I’m still in the learning stages and there comes a time where even I find myself in difficulty reading his texts.

Case in point is the section ‘Farewell to Lorien’, from The Fellowship of the Ring. Halfway through the chapter, Celeborn advises a possible route for the Company to take .

Continue reading “Reading a Tolkien Passage: Help!”