Salmar: The Forgotten Maia


Researching and Speculating on Tolkien

As I have often remarked on this blog, one of the great things about Tolkien’s works is the large number of mysteries and questions he has left unanswered; mysteries that can be picked up by any reader and researched to their heart’s content: looking for clues and cross-referencing over the thousands of pages of Middle-earth material, trying to dig up further information.

You may have read The Silmarillion numerous times and yet, with every new read, you discover something new. I know this because it happens to me. It has happened to me right now as I’m beginning my 10th or 11th re-read of the book and came across the oft forgotten character of Salmar. Continue reading “Salmar: The Forgotten Maia”

Pareidolia in The Hobbit

Arwen during Bofur's Song

Pareidolia: a psychological perception of seeing or hearing images and sounds that are non-existent.

Think of photographs of the man in the moon or the face on Mars. Shadows and light can play interesting tricks on the mind and create something that is not actually there. Our brains are hardwired to look for patterns and make out things which we cannot fully explain.

In a weirder post than usual, can we associate the concept of Pareidolia in scenes from The Hobbit trilogy? Continue reading “Pareidolia in The Hobbit”

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Extended Edition – Review (Part III)

FOTR review header

It’s finally done! It took me over 2.5 years to complete this review of The Fellowship of the Ring. Well, I say “review” but in truth, it’s more of an analysis and an appreciation of the film.

Here’s hoping the next series of posts on The Two Towers and The Return of the King won’t take as long (yes, I said the same thing when I posted Part II of this review 7 months ago.)

If you haven’t done so yet, check out Part I and Part II.

Enjoy! Continue reading “The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Extended Edition – Review (Part III)”