Returning to Middle-earth: from one fantasy world to another

Middle-earth map banner

To me there’s only one fantasy world where I feel most at home. Middle-earth was, and will remain my primary destination for the tired mind and heart that long to seek solace and comfort from the real world. Continue reading “Returning to Middle-earth: from one fantasy world to another”

Discovering Middle-earth: Part IV

The long”-ish” tale of how I began to admire and enjoy Tolkien


My first experience of reading ‘The Lord of the Rings’ (or anything related to Tolkien), was actually a weird one.

Since I was young, I wasn’t into reading – at all. Paragraphs longer than a few lines would send my mind drifting off to something completely different. I just couldn’t manage to concentrate on the descriptions and the wordings for longer than a few minutes.

Continue reading “Discovering Middle-earth: Part IV”

Discovering Middle-earth: Part II

The long”-ish” tale of how I began to admire and enjoy Tolkien


As stated in Part I, viewing ‘The Fellowship of the Ring’ re-wired my thoughts about the fantasy genre – nonetheless, I was still far away from picking up any book written by Tolkien.

It so happened that as October 2002 passed by, I stumbled upon the second trailer of ‘The Two Towers’. And then it snapped …

Continue reading “Discovering Middle-earth: Part II”

Discovering Middle-earth: Part I

The long”-ish” tale of how I began to admire and enjoy Tolkien


– It all begins with me and a particular dislike …

I’ll be outright and honest – I shunned fantasy. The very idea of fake prosthetic costumes glaring at defenceless mortal beings in some wacky skirmish (encompassed within even more phony sets) made me feel both uneasy and simply appalled.

Continue reading “Discovering Middle-earth: Part I”