
JimHey! My name is James and at 29 years old my main interests are reading books, writing, and watching films (who doesn’t, really?).

I started this blog back in 2013 and as you can see, my major interest is in Tolkien’s works.

I hope you’ll find this blog as an interesting introduction to J.R.R. Tolkien and my perspectives on approaching the works of such a praised author and pretty much everything under the sun …

Feel free to contact me on: tolkienistperspective@gmail.com or @TolkienistView

You can also get in touch via email: tolkienistperspective@gmail.com

64 thoughts on “About

  1. Man, this blog is so awesome. It’s great to read your contents about the Tolkien’s world. Just arrived here and after about 2 hours to spend in your site, still i am reading. Please keep up this great work and thank you very much! 🙂

  2. I came across your blog purely by happenstance in a Google search and I’m so glad I did! Very interesting! Looking forward to reading more 🙂
    Some of my fondest childhood memories are of sitting around the fire as a family in our living room while my mother read The Hobbit or Lord of the Rings out loud to us. She did this many times as we grew up so I’ve always had a soft spot for Tolkien’s books in my heart.
    I’m currently re-reading The Hobbit and I have to say it’s always been my favorite out of all the books. I also really enjoy the films (more than LOTR), especially The Desolation of Smaug, even though it wasn’t much like the book at all. It was still a fantastic movie in and of itself and I loved your review because it wasn’t just a bash on why this or that was a terrible interpretation or why this part of the book didn’t make it in. It was very refreshing not to have to slog through any of that and just take the film for what it is while comparing it to the book in a critical, but appreciative manner. Great work!
    And I very much liked your character profiles. I haven’t made it through all of them, but I’m hoping to once I have some more time.
    Also, thank you for following my blog! It’s nowhere near as interesting, organized, or professional as yours, but it really does mean a lot that you took the time to visit it. 🙂

    -Deepfathom (Brainstorm)

    1. Hey Deepfathom (Brainstorm)! 🙂

      I’m really glad you like the blog – it’s really inspiring and wonderful to learn that people appreciate and enjoy my (sometimes) “crazy” ramblings!

      I hope you’ll be able to join-in in discussions on any of the articles and if you have any suggestions on a particular topic, do not hesitate to write back.

      I’m following your blog because, as an aspiring author, I’m also very much interested in other people’s works and their approach to writing – and so far, I must say I’m really enjoying reading your posts too 🙂

      Thanks once again and all the best for the new year!

  3. I have nominated you for the Sunshine Award as an inspiration blogger. Click the link to accept the nomination and follow the rules to nominate those blogs/bloggers that have inspired you ! theleatherlibraryblog.com/2014/01/09/sunshine-award/

  4. Hi James! Thanks for visiting and following Words and Wanderings. Seems like your blog is the jackpot of all things Tolkien. 🙂 It has been some years since I’ve read Tolkien (although I did race to see the second Hobbit movie ASAP), so the information you have here is fascinating. I’ve always appreciated the linguistic side of his work, and once even did a presentation about his use of Old English (language and poetry).

    Anyway, I look forward to reading more of your posts! Best wishes!

    1. Hi Michelle, thanks for getting in touch. I love your blog too! I hope you’ll find something interesting here …

      And speaking of Old English, I’ve been wanting to start learning it for a while now (I think it’s a wonderful language)- but I just need that push hehe!

      Best regards and keep in touch 🙂

  5. Hi, just happened upon your Blog. Great site you’ve created here. I myself am an aspiring fantasy writer, as well as a medievalist, and a self-described “Tolkien nut”. Keep up the good work.

    1. Hey E.J. many thanks for your great comment! You seem to have an equally fantastic blog there too 🙂 Wish you luck with your writing and thanks once again!


  6. James! I know it’s been awhile, but I’ll be back to the Tolkien blogging early next year and I am working on a little project right now that I’m hoping to go big with in the Spring.

    I’m using a certain very popular post-a-day blogging challenge to write about Tolkien. I’m hoping to use the opportunity to help some of my friends find a few new readers. So, if you would like to send me 5-10 links to your best posts, I will use them to brainstorm my topics and I will link to as many of them as I can work into the posts.

    I’m not very picky about how we communicate. here is fine if that suits. I suggest going some a combination of posts that you feel are your best work, and most popular posts. That’s why I am asking you instead of just searching your archives. You know what your best stuff is way better than I do 🙂

    1. Hey Gene’O! Sorry for the late reply!

      Thanks so much for approaching me with this proposal … quite humbled 😉

      So I’ve chosen a few posts I think stand out from the rest (they’re not in any particular order, but the first one sure is!)

      The Tale of the Dagor Dagorath


      Identity and Origins of the Nazgûl

      Your Quick Guide To Dragons in Middle-earth (and how to tackle one)

      The Curious Case of Radagast the Brown

      The Colours of The Hobbit

      Let me know if you need anything else. Cheers!

  7. wow i just stumbled on your blog and thank you for your silmarillion summaries. i am going to read it now for the third time and trying to remember all the details and to solve the middle earth history mess in my brain. for the third age, as you told and i feel the same, it is much more easier to remember it and follow the story in lotr because of the movies. but first and second age are full of names and especially places that you just can imagine by tolkien’s description. thats why i finally bought the atlas of middle earth and cross read it/consult it while reading the silmarillion and the Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth now. i am still discovering new details and i am getting a more and more intense feeling about middle earth. so, good to know that there’s another person with the same experience.

    1. Hey RM thanks so much for your comment! I’m glad you found the summaries helpful and the ‘Atlas of Middle-earth’ is a great resource to get your bearings around Tolkien’s world. Enjoy 🙂

  8. I thought I would share this song with you. My brother wrote this song umpteen years ago using chapters from Tolkien’s books (Tolkien brought C.S. Lewis to Christ.) as literary allusions for the verses. I produced it as a birthday present for him the year of his retirement from ministry. Hope you like it.

  9. Oh, Almost forgot to tell you, you may find a tag labeled A tolkienist’s perspective, and you might also find 2 videos from your YouTube channel.

  10. Thanks so much for your kind comments! If you love Tolkien and Middle-earth just dive into the writing part with all the passion you have for the subject. You’ll thoroughly enjoy it 🙂

    1. Also, I couldn’t find my comment and your reply on the About page with the other comments.

      What happened?
      Also, may I have permission to put your advise on my blog?

  11. Greetings!
    I have enjoyed reading this blog. Thank you for all your insights on the wonderful world of Tolkien’s Middle Earth! I will definitely continue to explore A Tolkienst’s Perspective.

    1. If you’re referring to the profile pic, I simply uploaded it to the blog’s library and placed it onto the text and aligned it to the left 🙂

      1. No, your page doesn’t have an excerpt. I’m talking about your images on the POST.

        How are you able to have the image on the excerpt?

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