Video: Tolkien|CS Lewis|Sherlock Holmes|Harry Potter Book Collection!

You asked for it … you’ve got it!

Given that we’re just 1 week away from celebrating this blog’s four-year anniversary (unbelievable), I’ve decided to re-do the book collection video I posted on my YouTube channel over a year ago. Continue reading “Video: Tolkien|CS Lewis|Sherlock Holmes|Harry Potter Book Collection!”

Returning to Middle-earth: from one fantasy world to another

Middle-earth map banner

To me there’s only one fantasy world where I feel most at home. Middle-earth was, and will remain my primary destination for the tired mind and heart that long to seek solace and comfort from the real world. Continue reading “Returning to Middle-earth: from one fantasy world to another”

Was Gwaihir the “Great Eagle” in The Hobbit?


On my first few readings of The Hobbit I paid no attention to the possible connection between the Lord of the Eagles, who rescues the Hobbit and the Dwarves from a fiery forest, and Gwaihir, the Eagle who saves Gandalf three times in The Lord of the Rings.

Yet, the more I read the books, the more I found it unquestionable that the creature was one and the same in both stories. Continue reading “Was Gwaihir the “Great Eagle” in The Hobbit?”