Northern Courage, Ofermōde and Thorin Oakenshield’s last stand

Thorin 1

Northern Courage

Tolkien was fascinated by the concept he called “the theory of courage”, which exemplified one of the highest qualities in the literary Northern hero: that of unflinching courage, steadfast resolve and sheer determination of will in the face of impossible odds. Continue reading “Northern Courage, Ofermōde and Thorin Oakenshield’s last stand”

J.R.R. Tolkien: A Literary Sapling

JRR Tolkien

On the anniversary of his death

For the majority of people, 2nd September is as normal a day as any other. It follows after the 1st and precedes the 3rd.

However, for Tolkien readers, this date is of particular significance. Just as we celebrate the birth of John Ronald every 3rd of January, so do we recognise and honour the day he passed away in 1973. Continue reading “J.R.R. Tolkien: A Literary Sapling”