Character Profile: Thorin

Thorin 1

– Proud dwarf King, stubborn warrior, loyal friend … heartthrob 

Finally, after our 12 dwarves, we get to the one character who is actually fleshed out to the full in ‘The Hobbit’; the dwarf who, more so than Gimli, goes through a transformation of Thorin 2character and through whom we are actually introduced to one of the fundamental motifs in the novel – greed.

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Character Profiles: Fili and Kili

f & k

– Fili: The Viking-esque dwarf (and the elder of the two)

For reasons explained in the novel (and thus, major spoilers) I shall not expand much on these two characters. Suffice to say, F1they both have their particular moments in the story, added with a modest amount of characterization (though albeit, still weak).
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Character Profiles: Balin and Dwalin


– Balin: Father Christmas (in a good way)

Balin, along with Thorin, is the only dwarf (in both book and ‘An Unexpected Journey’) to be given a proper background history that serves well for a secondary character of his stature. In Tolkien’s novel, it clearly emergesb2 how a special relationship is formed between the dwarf and Bilbo – the former often providing encouraging remarks in otherwise gloomy situations. Indeed, Balin is one of the first in the Company to start respecting and admiring the hobbit’s abilities during the Quest.
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Character Profiles: Bifur,Bofur,Bombur


Did I say I’d be posting solely about Bombur? Apologies. But after a last minute reconsideration, I deemed it fit to categorize these profiles appropriately into groups – as I had done in the introduction here . Thus, it’ll be easier for you, dear reader, to follow these posts; as well as learn, once and for all (if you haven’t already), all the names of the Dwarves and to whom they belong.

Bifur: The looney dwarf (… with the axe in the head)
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PJ and ‘The Silmarillion’ (video)

– A quick sidestepping post

I should have continued with the Character Profiles series, and I will. However, I just wanted to post a link to a video I’ve recently made regarding the whole Peter Jackson/Silmarillion movie issue.

I’ll be outright and state that I’m not in favour or against the issue. The video is basically an edit of two or three interviews (plus footage) found in various behind the scenes features for both ‘The Lord of the Rings’ and ‘The Hobbit’.

I have tried to understand how Peter Jackson’s directing lifestyle has changed and evolved to ever bigger projects, despite his misgivings on the said matter a few years prior.
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‘The Hobbit’ – Character Profiles

Thorin's Company

Upon the good suggestion of commenter Ella, in the coming days, I shall be giving a very quick overview of each of the dwarves in ‘The Hobbit’ – briefly describing their characteristics as found in both the novel and the new film adaptation; drawing out a few parallels and touching upon certain issues that emerge from either of the two mediums.

I’ll be as spoiler-free as possible, don’t worry.
Continue reading “‘The Hobbit’ – Character Profiles”

The Cinematic Medium: Connecting the Trilogies through fan-films

New Zealand

– Seeing more of Middle-earth on screen

If you’re a fan of ‘The Lord of the Rings’ film trilogy like I am, you’re probably eager to see the rest of ‘The Hobbit’ trilogy too (unless you’re one of those who absolutely despised ‘An Unexpected Journey’). I’m not one of those – see my review of the film here: ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey’: A review).Born of Hope
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