Concluding ‘The Fall of Arthur’ ~ The Writing Begins …

Fall of Arthur

A few weeks back I reported the possibility of seeing the completion of Tolkien’s The Fall of Arthur, here.

I expressed my desire in trying and create my own “fan fiction” and expand on the poem’s narrative – by closely following Christopher Tolkien’s notes on the various abandoned sketches his father never completed. Continue reading “Concluding ‘The Fall of Arthur’ ~ The Writing Begins …”

Approaching Tolkien – Beowulf: A Translation & Commentary

The Anglo-Saxon Epic Receives Treatment from the Anglo-Saxon Professor

If you’ve read your fair share of Tolkien, at some point in your reading you would certainly have comes across numerous references highlighting the author’s fascination towards Anglo-Beowulf cover by JRR TolkienSaxon culture and literature.

Beowulf, made up of three thousand lines written in the Old English metre, remains the single most important work of the period.

But as expressive and fluent as the language is in the original language, many scholars have attempted to translate it into Modern English in the hope of capturing the same spirit and style of the poem: as it was intended to be read. Continue reading “Approaching Tolkien – Beowulf: A Translation & Commentary”

The “Which Five Armies?” Debate: Settling It Once and for All …

Orc Army (Dol Guldur)

**SPOILER WARNING: If you haven’t read the book yet (really?!), you might want to avoid this article to keep your final film experience intact. To all the rest, carry on!**

– Case Closed

I can start this post by saying, it’s a needless post. The case is pretty much closed as the answer to the question, “Which Five Armies is Tolkien referring to in the Battle of Five Armies?“, can’t be more plainly given than it is in the book. Continue reading “The “Which Five Armies?” Debate: Settling It Once and for All …”

The Shire’s Military Structure?

Sam Gamgee (Hobbits)

Raising the Shire

They are (or were) a little people, about half our height […] have long clever brown fingers, good-natured faces, and laugh deep fruity laughs

The Hobbit, ‘An Unexpected Party’, Chapter I

Ranks of skilled archers cleverly readying their bows. Organized groups of infantrymen waiting for the signal to attack. One word and any intruders will find themselves facing serious consequences.

It is hard to conjure up the imagery of an army within the Shire, based on the rather rustic and easy-going characteristics of the above quote.

Continue reading “The Shire’s Military Structure?”