Peter Jackson’s Lost Masterpiece

Crossing the Line 5

Crossing the Line

Exactly 9 years ago I beheld for the first time a 30-second clip.

After the initial screen display the text “extract from ‘Crossing the Line'”, several men came in view, dressed in period uniforms and huddled in a trench until receiving the order to prepare for attack.

The 30 seconds were gone and the screen faded to black. There soon appeared the words “written & directed by Peter Jackson”. Continue reading “Peter Jackson’s Lost Masterpiece”

Tolkien’s Trip to the Moon

A Trip to the Moon

Inspiration from Georges Méliès …

I recently re-read Tolkien’s short story Roverandom, in which a dog is transformed into a toy and is sent on a fantastical trip to the moon and under the depths of the sea.

In many ways, it struck me how reminiscent the descriptions of the environment were to A Trip to the Moon (1902) and The Mermaid (1904): two historic films pioneered by director Georges Méliès.

The 1902 work of art, synonymous with the bullet-shaped spaceship hitting the man in the moon, is certainly not an exact word-to-image description from Tolkien’s story. Yet, that sense of imagination from two world creators, not yet aware of the bareness of Earth’s natural satellite, had conjured up strikingly similar visuals for what they thought an explorer would encounter on the moon. Continue reading “Tolkien’s Trip to the Moon”

Gandalf vs Balrog: A Diorama

So this happened over the last few months …

Using the Gandalf and Balrog model kits from the Games Workshop range, the above diorama was constructed based on the pivotal moment in The Fellowship of the Ring, that pits the two Maiar against each other in a fiery duel.

Obviously, numerous viewings of The Fellowship of the Ring film were necessary in order to use as reference for the model; not only the scene in question, but the whole film. So as to enter into that mind-frame and capture the essence of it within the diorama. 😉

I hope you enjoy!