Possible Middle-earth films…

Middle-earth next film

Other promising stories contending for the silver screen 

Even during the initial stages of production on The Hobbit, people worldwide were already speculating what other future projects pertaining to the world of Middle-earth may grace our screens.

The Silmarillion is a vast horde of riches sitting beneath the clutches of a fire-breathing dragon; a source of material barred from cinematic adaptation within the foreseeable future – and perhaps, a good thing too.

However, copyright issues aside, we must not forget the other stories contained within the appendices of The Lord of the Rings; stories that have been virtually untouched by Peter Jackson’s expansion of his Hobbit trilogy.

The word “appendices” and “Tolkien’s notes” has been used extensively by Jackson and the crew throughout the making of the second trilogy; and whilst it is true that material from these fragmentary texts were weaved into the cinematic tapestry (albeit not always faithful to Tolkien), there are other sources for potential narratives.

Admittedly, whilst the numerous characters, histories and events contained within these 100 or so pages of appendices further add depth to Middle-earth’s Booksalready expansive world, there is much lacking in terms of narrative arcs, character goals, plot, and dialogue.

The threads of narrative that span thousands of years, from the Second Age till the end of the War of the Ring, are structured in the form of a chronicle, and therefore many of the stories within each major event can only be glimpsed – leaving too much room for artistic interpretation and a radical form of ‘fan fiction’.

However, we’ve seen what Peter Jackson was capable of doing: often basing scenes on thin plot-lines and adding his own ideas and visions – expanding on themes and events using visual imagery. To some the additions and the changes were seamlessly fraught; to others it was somewhat of a disaster.

Whether we’ll see Jackson on board again on a similar project, or someone else will take over (if anyone ever will), there are three potential story-lines that mya be adapted into a Middle-earth film (not a trilogy, just one film) …

The Rise of Angmar

“In 1974 the power of Angmar arose again, and the Witch-king came down upon Arthedain before winter was ended.”

Appendix A -“The North-kingdom and the Dúnedain”

Referenced in the Dol Guldur subplot of The Hobbit trilogy,  Sauron proclaims that “[s]o shall the Kingdom of Angmar rise”.

Indeed, thousands of years prior, the greatest of the Ringwraiths came very close to overcoming the northwestern parts of Middle-earth: affecting even the solitary peace of the Shire.

The wars fought between the Dúnedain of the race of Númenor and the evil of Sauron’s greatest servant, is an intense account of the travails of men, the relentless strength of evil and the politics and strategies during a younger Middle-earth.Dunedain Angmar

There is much room for expansion here, but whoever is assigned the writing job will have a herculean task combining scarce material from the book and the scriptwriter/s’ own contributions into a single film.

Suffice to say, the tale of the conflict between the North Kingdom and the Witch-king of Angmar would be a fascinating origin story that introduces Aragorn’s race and reinforces Sauron’s eternal hatred towards that people. It would also pave the way to visualising uncharted Middle-earth territory on screen: including the Barrow-Downs, Fornost and Carn Dûm.

The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen

If the story of Beren and Lúthien from The Silmarillion can never be adapted, this would be the next best thing.

Consisting of two characters that have already been established so well in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Tolkien provides a fairly modest account of their first Aragorn and Arwenmeeting and eventual bonding.

There is room for drama between the two lovers; but it’s not all romantic stares and loving promises.

At this point in time, shortly after the events of The Hobbit, Middle-earth is still volatile; and the threat of an all-out war starts brewing again.

Tolkien provides us with the following timeline in Appendix B:

Appendix B timeline (excerpt)

The story of Aragorn and Arwen can be intercut with the wider happenings in Middle-earth, and we can also witness the Ranger’s adventures with two established settlements: Rohan and Gondor.


Yet again, it’s not an easy thing to craft a film out of the fragments scattered throughout a few pages; nevertheless, there might be enough reference material for a decent 2-hour production.

The War of the Ring: The Battles for the Wood, the Forest and the Mountain

In the Extended Edition of The Return of the King, Gimli says “I wish I could muster a legion of Dwarves, fully armed and filthy”, to which Legolas replies “Your kinsmen may have no need to ride to war. I fear war already marches on their own lands.”

Indeed, what we read about in The Lord of the Rings – with the battles and conflicts our heroes are involved in – as constituting the War of the Ring, is but part of the overall conflict that ravaged Middle-earth at that time.

Ithilien Rangers

The regions in and around Mirkwood were the battlefields in which Galadriel and Celeborn fought against the power of Dol Guldur; Thranduil defended his realm from invasion; and Brand (grandson of Bard) and Dáin II Ironfoot were besieged in the Lonely Mountain.

At the same time as the great armies besieged Minas Tirith a host of the allies of Sauron that had long threatened the borders of King Brand crossed the River Carnen, and Brand was driven back to Dale. There he had the aid of the Dwarves of Erebor; and there was a great battle at the Mountain’s feet.

Sauron’s plan consisted of dividing the Free Peoples by leading a three-pronged attack: keeping the realms of Rohan and Gondor busy with the siege of Minas EreborTirith, he assaulted the realm of Lórien from Dol Guldur and surrounded the kingdom of Erebor.

This story-line is perhaps the most worthy and plausible event that could be adapted into a film.

True, the only reference to these conflicts occurring during the narrative, are to be found in a single page at the end of Appendix B.

However, considering the majority of characters and locations have already been established in both The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogies, this narrative has a solid foundation that can perfectly complement (though not undermine) the events occurring in the latter trio of films.

ThranduilIt would also assist in rounding off a few sub-plots that may have been left somewhat unresolved in The Hobbit.

For example, the conclusion to the story-line of Dol Guldur left many people (including myself), wanting and expecting more. During the War of the Ring we are told that under Celeborn, the Elves of Lórien “took Dol Guldur, and Galadriel threw down its walls and laid bare its pits, and the forest was cleansed.” (Appendix B)

This would really be an interesting chance to expand the War of the Ring narrative and, by making subtle references to the journey of the Fellowship and the ensuing conflicts in Rohan and Gondor, conclude the adventures in Middle-earth with a fitting farewell. Not that one does not currently exist – but any new Middle-earth film that respects the cinematic world already established, is welcome to be included in with the rest.

Final Thoughts

The primary intention of any one of these narratives, as a film, would not be to undermine either of the two trilogies, but rather to complement them and add more depth to the characters and the world; acting as a kind of footnote or an appendix to the six-film saga.

Naturally, if another director decides to tackle this world, he/she will have to be willing to retain the overall look of the films for the sake of continuity. Either that or relaunch a whole new vision of Middle-earth from scratch.

Personally, while I’m not too fond of the inventiveness of the screenwriters to go beyond what Tolkien has written, I’m ready to see how any of these story-lines could be made into a film.

I’m actually more than willing to see another Middle-earth on the silver screen again … 🙂

Copyright to all images belongs to Warner Bros Studios, MGM Studios and New Line Cinema

46 thoughts on “Possible Middle-earth films…

  1. The Rise/Fall of Angmar is an inviting proposition because it has been referenced in the Hobbit movies, because it could without too much contrivance include the involvement of established immortal characters such as Elrond (and even Beorn, to judge by his comments in the Desolation of Smaug extended edition: “I remember a time when a great evil ruled these lands…”), and because it actually *should* involve hobbits: according to the book, “To the last battle at Fornost with the WItch-lord of Angmar they [the hobbits] sent some bowmen to the aid of the king.”

    I’m fairly sure that, somewhere, Peter Jackson has said that he wished that some of the War of the Ring in the north could have been fitted into the Lord of the Rings movies (in other words, that this is material he would have liked to have filmed); it might be in his commentary to the Return of the King.

    Another possible film would be Balin’s expedition to Moria, though I think a lot of extra storyline would have to be “written in” to make it palatable for a mainstream audience.

    1. I wonder whether the studios are looking at these appendices for ideas for future projects … just to keep the franchise going as much as possible …

    2. I’m all for The rise/fall of Angmar.To keep it’s conmtinuity/consistency they should introduce another hobbit just like LOTR and TH trilogies – i would like to see the hobbit Bucca the marish as the protaganist main character…he also exist in the time of the downfall of the northern kingdom which is perfect.He could also be added as one of the bowmen send to help aid the war.
      The rise/fall of angmar could also be a strory about the last two princes from the north/south kingdom.One eventually become the first ranger and the other – the final king of gondor.

      I would also like this to become a trilogy instead of just a single movie – a trilogy of the trilogies! 🙂 i believed it can be done.There’s actually just enough source materials to make this into a film or a set of films just from this arc.

      1. A trilogy of the trilogies! My, my! I’m sure many people will complain two-fold if that actually happens (not that I would be against it mind you!)

      2. (Just throwin’ in my two cents) Perhaps this could explain what became of Earnur; what really happened in Minas Morgul. Plus this would be the first appearance of Lossoth in a film!

    3. They should do a film series on the events around the first forming of the rings. When all the great armies of man, elves and dwarves came together to defeat sauron. There is plenty of story to go way back to the beginning. and be shown how sauron became so evil. and why the nine kingdoms of men where seduced by his wickedness and became his servants. This is what I want to see.

  2. Interesting ideas here, I think if anything such a film should try to stand on its own refraining from too many connections to the other films. A smaller more focused production could be a breath of fresh air after two long trilogies.

  3. I would love to see a film based on the origin of the rings and how Sauron was initially defeated. Not sure if Tolkien wrote about that in any great lenghth of detail or not.

    1. Unfortunately we only have some information from the Tale of Years – the timeline that lists briefly the events that occurred during those times …

  4. Reblogged this on Rosie Writes… and commented:
    I’d just love more films from Middle Earth.

    There’s so many potential films in Tolkien’s body of work, even if The Silmerilion is out of bounds for the foreseeable future. I thing a film covering the War of the Ring in other areas of Middle Earth, as the writer of this post suggests, is the most exciting, although some of the history of the Second Age would be interesting too.

  5. The Silmarillion should be left alone for a while and *if* it’s ever done I don’t think Peter Jackson should do it. As as producer or consultant fine, but don’t have him write, produce, and direct the whole project. Don’t get me wrong, I loved his six films (aside from a few points my inner purist won’t agree with), but I think the root of the division among fans has stemmed from how Peter Jackson has balanced the whimsical tone of the original book with the darker world of Middle-earth that Tolkien expounded upon in the LotR. The Silmarillion is set in a very different time in a whole new part of Middle-earth with almost all new characters and even cultures (or at least earlier forms of them). I’m afraid if the studio, screenwriters, directors, etc. try to simply build on the success of the LotR films it will fall apart. It needs to succeed on its own, separate from LotR. That’s why I think it would be best to wait a decade or so. Let the rifts in the fanbase The Hobbit films have opened heal a little bit and get a fresh start adapting Middle-earth for the big screen. Besides, the major studios with enough money to fund a project of that scale are all busy with superhero films (over 40 superhero films will be released before 2021!). When audiences get tired of that genre then someone should start a Silmarillion Cinematic Universe. 🙂

    1. I think I’m beginning to think that The Silmarillion is best left un-adapted for now – let the dust settle. And at the same time, it would be great to have at least one major Middle-earth work left to the readers’ imaginations.

  6. Another Middle-earth on the big screen?
    Right now I’m actually hoping for a remake of The Hobbit. (It’s not likely that this’ll be movie-fied, but hey here’s my 2 cents!) 🙂
    Story starts out in The Shire. Bilbo Baggins (having returned from a short trip not far to the East) visits a 12-year old Frodo Baggins to give his condolences to the tragic passing of the boy’s parents (I imagine hobbits as physically aging the equivalent of 8 months per year, so Frodo’s pretty young here). Bilbo notices that his nephew has been afraid to go outside for a while now as a result of the boating accident. Bilbo decides to stay in Brandy Hall for a while to help console Frodo (with whom he already has some familiarity with though not yet a strong bond).
    Bilbo decides to help by telling the boy about how he got the reputation he has. It’s all because of an adventure he had many years ago. He takes out a red book and opens it. Cut to a few decades ago. Bilbo’s diary is open… And blank. He can’t think of anything to write. He has breakfast and takes a walk outside. And encounters young Ham Gamgee, who tells him that he’s filling in for the gardener, who’s out sick. He also tells Mr. Baggins (who had just returned to Bag End from a short trip) that someone came by early yesterday morning asking for him: one of the big folk. Bilbo thinks this is queer and tells Hamfast to take the day off. He continues on his walk and encounters Otho Sackville-Baggins and Lobelia who obnoxiously announce their engagement and mention Bag End and its luxuries more times than is comfortable for the actual owner. Bilbo continues on his walk and overhears a couple of hobbit-lads talking about strange folk lodging at the Green Dragon Inn: Dwarves! Bilbo decides its time to go home. Cue the classic opening scene and the unexpected party.
    The Dwarves Song: features dramatic flashbacks of the Glory and Sacking of Erebor (Smaug is only vaguely seen.
    First stages of the Quest: Gandalf explains that the old broken down castles they passed were once part of the Kingdom of Arnor.
    Roast Mutton: the troll’s purse turns out to be a bat which freaks Bilbo out. Cue the rest of the chapter.
    (Frodo Baggins likes this.)
    A Short Rest: Bilbo goes to the library and meets young Estel. Bilbo whistles a little; Estel sings a bit and boom! We plunge into a cute little duet of the Elves’ song from the book. Lindir pops up and asks them to be quiet. They read books and find a curious little entry called ‘Of Magic Rings’. Gilraen explains that orcs (which at thi point Gandalf has already translated as ‘goblins’ for Mr. Baggins) attacked their village when Estel was little. His father died and they fled to Rivendell where Lord Elrond took them in. In short, goblins are bad.
    Over Hill: The Stone Giants are just really big trolls (like the catapult-carrying ones in BotFA). Maybe throw in an uncredited cameo by Quickbeam in there! 🙂
    Under Hill: Orcrist and Glamdring glow! Also the chase in the dark! Goblin tunnels is very very suspenseful.
    Riddles in the Dark. We now have some background on magic rings. Also Gollum is wearing stolen orc clothes.
    Out of the Frying Pan.
    Wargs: Growl!
    Gandalf: Translates.
    Thorin and Company: Oh *bleep*!
    Bilbo: Seriously doubts the skills of his leaders.
    Bolg: Revenge on you’s for pwning us at Azanulbizar! And, oh yeah, I’m the son of that dead orc who killed your Grandpa, longbeard!
    Gandalf: Pinecone in the hole!!
    Lord of Eagles (Gwaihir?): Scree!
    Gandalf: (Thanks him.)
    Bilbo: He can talk to Eagles too? (Wants to go home.)
    Queer Lodgings: Accurate looking Beorn! (Includes that creepy scratching at the door. Also a Radagast cameo.)
    Radagast: Gandalf, Saruman says it’s go time! Necromancer and Dol Guldur and all that biz!
    Gandalf: Stay on the road. (Leaves with his ‘cousin’)
    End of Part 1
    Flies and Spiders: Partying Moriquendi! Bilbonfoesn’t go berserk over the Ring, cause he doesn’t loose it. Proper naming of Sting (like the book.) Dwarves get captured. Thranduil is cool (minus the scar scene. Was the scar even canon?) And Thorin continues to fail in providing Totally Convincing evidence of his Majesty (don’t worry his entrance in a very later scene will change all that ;))We also now have background info on the wood Elves. 🙂
    Barrels Out of Bond Bilbo wanders the Halls and gets hungry. He stumbles into Prince Legolas’ living quarters where said Prince is drinking and laughing with some friends one of which is an elf-maiden who is wrapped in one of his arms. 😉 Invisible! Bilbo steals some food. Elf-maiden GF (not Tauriel) sees this with her elf-eyes so does Legolas’. The whole group decides to chase after ‘the ghost’. Bilbo loses them, but Thranduil’s guards go on high alert (gasp! Is it a Nazgul?)
    Bilbo: *what the void’s a Nazgul?*
    We also see at least three or four kid-elves. (Is that still ok in those days?) Every other elf parties, cause Thranduil is trying to keep the rest of the populace from freaking out.
    *Thranduil’s butler gets drunk*
    Bilbo releases the Company and shows himself to them. Legolas sees this.
    Legolas: aha! Magic-ring-wearing midget!
    Thorin: I want my sword back you woodland sprite who really only has cameos in this version!
    Bilbo: No time into the Barrels!
    Thranduil: Drat! After them!
    Bolg: We’re back *bleep*s!
    The Company: Oh come on!
    Thranduil: Orcs in our borders? Forget the Dwarves! Attack!
    The Company: We’re getting away!
    Bilbo: I can’t swim! Oh look, extra barrell!
    Bolg: (to another orc.) Add these elves to our hit list. But for now, RUN!
    A Warm Welcome: The Raft Elves and Bard are totally unaware of all the excitement above. 😛 We get to Lake-Town.
    Thorin: I am Thorin, Son of Thrain, Son of Thror!
    Fili: And I’m his heir! I swear by, the time we get back to the throne you’ll be rich!
    Thorin: *good move* What he said!
    Bilbo: My dad has a saying about this stuff.
    Balin: Um, Thorin how are we supposed to kill the Dragon?
    Thorin: There are spears in the Hoard!
    *I have no problem about Jackson’s Bard or his family. But in this version we establish his ability to speak to thrushes earlier on. (He is considered the Town weirdo who speaks to birds, although he secretly uses them to spy on Smaug’s exercises around the Desolation–‘an old family tradition’). He also form’s a slightly less warm version of the Pippin-Beregond friendship with Bilbo. He tells non-of his secrets to the hobbit, though. Also the Master of Lake-town as a smart if not very nice guy.*
    On the Doorstep: Sunset opens the secret door! Also includes the bit with Bombur!
    Inside Information: Invisible! Bilbo walks through the tunnel (which here goes down and down then suddenly goes upwards, causing gold to pile up a little inside. Bilbo picks up cup. Also the Arkenstone is established in a similar way to the PJ movies. Smaug snores.)
    Bilbo: (sees treasure hoard) Ooh. Wait, seriously?!
    (Hears snoring again. Turns around and sees Smaug on a huge pile of gold on the floor just above the entrance.) Oh, cram!
    (Smaug wakes up. Cue epic riddle-laden Conversation, along with the the fire in the tunnel and the burning of Bilbo’s hair. Smaug mashes the secret door.
    Not At Home: Thorin gets everyone to look for the Arkenstone.
    Bilbo: *Yeah, sorry dude, but I’ll have to keep it away from you for your own good.*
    Fili and Kili: Uncle, that’s enough for tonight. We need to find somewhere to sleep.
    Balin and the others: Ditto.
    Thorin: Ok. Since I’m the oldest the only one who really remembers this place, let me give you guys a tour.
    *They see the beauty of Erebor*
    Gloin: I can’t wait to show all this to Gimli! *And then they get to the parts that were badly damaged by Smaug.
    The Company: Dang… He did all this?!
    Bilbo: … Gulp. Where’s the exit!
    Thorin: Uh, right over there–
    Bilbo: *zoom*
    Thorin: *points him in the right direction.*
    Everybody else: *follows*
    Bilbo: What have we done?!
    The Company: speechless.
    *camera pans (end of TTT movie style) towards the direction of Lake-town, where we see the light of a great burning. Cliff hanger end of Part 2).

    Fire and Water: Thrushes fly into Lake-town crebain style! (Though there aren’t as many.)
    Bard: Everybody into the boats! Throw down the bridge! Dragon’s comin’!!!
    Master and Soldiers: Yeah, sure. But what’s wrong with the Bridge.
    Bard: Dragon’s are virtually indestructible during a crawling attack! If we keep him airborne there’s a chance we’ll be able to shoot his soft unferbelly and kill him!
    Thrush: His underbelly’s armored with gold and jewels–
    Bard: Cram!
    Thrush:– except for one spot under his left foreleg!
    Bard: Good enough!
    Smaug: Imma firin’ on Lake-Town!!!
    Bard: *shoots him*
    Smaug: Does an epic mid-air death flip and falls on Lake-town and death-throes it into oblivion until he too sinks.
    Lake-towners: Well that sucks!
    Bard: I’m alive!
    Lake-towners: Hurray King Bard!
    Master: We’re broke!
    Lake-towner: Cram!
    Legolas: My father sends you help!
    (I promise his cameos aren’t going to get annoying like in BotFA.)
    The Gathering of the Clouds
    Bilbo: Whoah! Did Smaug just die!!!
    Thorin: who cares! Yo, bald raven!
    Roäc: Yo!
    Thorin: Get Dain! We’re reclaiming our homeland! Fly you fool! JK
    Bilbo: Dain?!
    Balin: yeah, you know, the guy that killed Azog! Also he’s Thorin’s cousin!

    Thranduil: Let’s go get us some treasure!
    Bard: sure, but just enough for us to rebuild our lives!
    (Quoting Brotherhood Workshop’s The Hobbit in 72 Seconds)
    Bard: C’mon, man. Share the loot.
    Thorin: No!
    (Not quote) Bilbo: *I am so not giving you the Arkenstone*
    A Thief in the Night: Just like the book.
    Gandalf: I’m baaack!
    The Clouds Burst: Pretty much the same as the book! Bilbo joins Gandalf and Thranduil to complete the Gondolin sword set in case they die. Battle of Five Armies. Thorin’s freakin’ majestically epic entrance that even has Bilbo charging alongside him and the Dwarves. Eagles are coming! Bilbo gets knocked out. Beorn’s epic entrance. Thorin, Fili and Kili’s epic and very emotional last stand.
    The Return Journey: Bilbo says farewell to Thorin on the Dwarf Kings Death Bed. Orcrist and Arkenatone are returned. Epic burial scene. All the endings are included. Pretty much similar to the book.
    The Last Stage: Visit to Rivendell. Gandalf talks about driving out the Necromancer. Bilbo talks about finally filling his diary. Estel gives Bilbo written versions of their songs and poems and requests that he include them in the Book. Bilbo jokes about making Lindir sing them. The return to the Troll hoard. Return to Bag End. *I love PJ’s take on the scene!* Gandalf and Balin’s visit. Balin talks about the improvements in Wilderland and his plans to retake Moria. Gandalf’s quote.
    Bilbo: (present) It’s a dangerous business, Frodo. Going out your door. And if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you’ll be swept off to… The Road goes ever, ever on… etc.)
    Frodo is happy.
    The End.
    Well that was my very abridged mental fan version of the Hobbit Trilogy. Hope you liked it! All canon events not mentioned in detail here happen just like in the book. No worries! 🙂

      1. I’m afraid that’s the curse of every book adaptation or original film. Someone, somewhere, no matter how good the film is, will complain. Always.

    1. The Rise of Angmar has endless potential, imo. I really like to wonder how any deep character development would be handled and how his character would be expounded upon, etc.

      I’d never heard of Richard Armitage before he portrayed Thorin (granted, I rarely watch films as often as I used to) and that ended-up being an outstanding casting choice, as were so many other Hobbit Trilogy choices. I have a pretty good feeling that a high-quality below-A-list actor would be chosen to play the dreaded Angmar. On that note, I believe the actor has to be of this nature, as the possible director would have to have an actor whom he can actually work WITH, as opposed to being subverted by said A-lister. A cynical thought on my part, but I believe it’s rare when a top-shelf industry actor is willing to trust a director/writer’s lead.

  7. They have probably already been mentioned, but there are the two films “The Hunt for Gollum” and “Born of Hope” which were fan films but done by real actors and are free to watch online. Both are LOTR prequels.

  8. The Rise of Angmar would be great, and another logical choice would be the Fall of Numenor. That story would showcase alot of major events: The ban of the Valar, the backstories of Elendil, Isildur and Anarion, and plenty more history of Sauron and the rings of power.

    1. That would indeed be a good background/sequel film – not the rights of the Numenor story lie mainly in ‘The Silmarillion’ and ‘Unfinished Tales’ – locked safely away from the hands of film studios 😀

  9. I think that the idea to make these storylines into films are fitting and would suit and be a good way to flesh out the already existing films. However, personally I actually don’t feel the need for more Middle Earth films as it is. I’d love to see other adaptations, but then as free-standing and not connected to the films we already have. The main hindrance I see is to actually keep it feeling like the same Middle-earth, visually in design/location and within the film’s pacing and style.

    1. I think you are correct Lisa. On the one hand, I’d love to see more Middle-earth films that expand the world. There are so many (fragmented) narratives that enrich it, it actually feels a waste if we never get to see them on screen. But yes, trying to make a decent film out of a handful of pages would turn it into something different; a fantasy film for sure, but not a Middle-earth film.

  10. First:
    -Congratulations to all for their ideas!
    -Congratulations on this blog interesting and opinions of the author!
    I would like to see movies on the following issues: The Rise of Angmar, Fall of Numenor, War of the Last Alliance, Celebrimbor and The Rings of power.
    It would be wonderful !

      1. Agreed; though unfortunately the Fall of Numenor falls within the Silmarillion copyright, so is current untouchable! 😀

  11. I would love to see expansion of the War of the Ring. Dain Ironfoot was amazing and I love all things to do with the dwarven culture including the architect just to see more of Erebor would be anuff for me. But to see now King Dain Ironfoot with a full dwarven army fighting along side of the army of Dale would be truly cool to see. I loved Easterlings armor in the original or the Rings trilogy but you only get to see them before that brief moment in front of the Black Gate. I also would like to see Dain Ironfoot son Thorinn Stonehelm. Dain was so cool in BOFA but we did not get to see a lot of him on the screen. let’s not forget about lady Galadriel I love her I love Cate Blanchet she’s an amazing actress and anything with her in it is going to be good. but for me I had been wanting the Erebor or battle scenes for as long as I can remember so this year to ever happen I would be extremely excited

  12. Jackson had actually filmed scenes dealing with the first meeting of Aragorn and Arwen which never made the films, but they are still stored away. Maybe one day for an anniversary they’ll be released if there’s enough interest. He’s mentioned this before at several comic cons 🙂

  13. Personally, I hope no one ever touches Arda on the big screen, not that I hated the films. I loved them, and still do. I just feel like the flop that was Desolation of Smaug and Battle of Five Armies, will just get repeated again and again.
    On another note: Del Toro would be a good choice for another film director. . .
    The battles in Wilderland during the War of the Ring don’t have enough information for a film, and would mainly be battles (say, that’s not a bad idea). The Rise of Angmar is the same deal, with even more complications like finding the names of the other Nazgul, which are mostly unknown. Though I wouldn’t mind seeing the host of Gondor saving Arnor at the end with the help of Glorfindel and the Imladris elves.
    The Children of Hurin would be a great film idea, but I don’t anyone will like it because it is so dark and depressing. I am not sure I’m ready for some director to defile the sanctity of the First Age, and the War of the Jewels.
    It’s still fun to think about though.

    1. Reading your post Caleb, has made me think about these cinematic adaptations. To be honest, I have yet to commit to the idea whether I’d want to see a Silmarillion/Children of Hurin film/s (if there will ever be an opportunity).

      I enjoyed LOTR and The Hobbit adaptations, but sometimes I think it would be great to leave some of Tolkien’s Middle-earth writing “untouched” and up to the imagination of the readers.

  14. Just a general comment on the idea of further Middle Earth films…

    Firstly, I’m glad to see so many open to this notion, as I too would love to see a furtherance of other story lines.

    But among the keys necessary to making said films the right way begins with this: the makers (writers, directors, set construction, and even actors/actresses) absolutely must love the idea of adapting Tolkien’s work to the screen. Personally, I’ve loved all six films Jackson & Co. have made. And when such a high percentage of those involved have professed a love and passion for Tolkien’s works, I truly believe that that underlying love for the source is what made these films so special. The moment a key cog (for any future adaptation) is introduced, it will most likely come apart like a cheap suit.

    Hence, this is exactly what I dread regarding future Middle Earth films. What Jackson & Co. created, they did so quite far from the breadbasket of poor film making: hollywood. They did it not only with a physical chasm but a creative/imaginative chasm between the production(s) and hollywood’s devices as well. So, what are the chances that this necessary combination will be met the next time?

  15. I’d personally favor a movie explaining the northern theatre of war in the War of the Ring; the first part could be in what was Arnor, where the Dunedain are defending the Shire from “Sharkey’s” boys and barrow-wights riled up by the Witch-king in his visit when he tried to find Frodo. The second part could be in Erebor, Dale, and Esgaroth, where we play catch-up with Dain, Brand, Bard II, and Thorin III. We see the Easterlings in action for the first time, and maybe we find out what came of Sigrid and Tilda (I like my continuity with a side of family, thag you very buch).

    1. There’s much potential in that storyline Harrison. All the major elements have already been established. All we need is the go-ahead from the studios, a willing team of scriptwriters to “fill-in” the blanks and a director who is ready to work on PJ’s vision – that it, unless, Jackson decides to be on board 😉

  16. From the Tolkien Estate FAQ:

    ‘The Estate exists to defend the integrity of J.R.R. Tolkien’s writings. Christopher Tolkien’s work as his father’s literary executor has always been to publish as faithfully and honestly as possible his father’s completed and uncompleted works, without adaptation or embellishment.’

    So there you go. The Estate isn’t about making a quick ‘buck’ from hawking the writings left, right and centre. And even if they did want to sell or licence the rights to anyone, why on earth would they choose to have anything to do with Zaentz, New Line, Peter Jackson and the rest of that shower after the shabby way they were treated the first time?

    1. Hey Alex, you’re right. However, if the studios woke up one day and decided they want to make another Middle-earth film, they can adopt any of the writings from The Lord of the Rings Appendices, which are not safeguarded by the Tolkien Estate, since their copyright falls within that particular work.

      Who knows … if it’s not a newly adapted writing, it’s a remake or other 😉

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