Hardest Poetry Book You’ll Ever Read (Probably)

Well, it’s that exciting time again when I can announce the release of a new publication! 😀

I’m super thrilled to be able to share with all of you Anarchy for the Innocents, which I’ve been working on for the past few months, and was in fact one of the reasons for not being too active here on this blog.

Continue reading “Hardest Poetry Book You’ll Ever Read (Probably)”

Anglo-Saxon historical fantasy epic poem | Crowdfunding begins!

Hey folks! Back again from the shadows 🙂

I hope you’re all sage and are having a good start to the new year.

Just dropping by for a quick shout-out to a Kickstarter campaign just launched.

As many followers of this blog may know, I wrote a book back in November 2019: Hæstingas: A retelling of the valiant fall of England in verse.

The book, a historical fantasy, 4,000-line epic poem set during one of the most turbulent times in English history, is now getting the Special Edition Hardcover treatment!

If you have an interest in Anglo-Saxon history, are a fantasy reader and love to odd-bit o’ poetry (as Samwise Gamgee would say) every now and then, your support in this endeavour would be most appreciated!

Rewards and bundles are there for the taking, so head over to the Kickstarter campaign page and take a look.

In the meantime, copies of the paperback edition of Hæstingas are still available from Amazon.com and Amazon UK.

Till next time! 😉

‘Medieval Monsters’ by Damien Kempf and Maria L. Gilbert {BookTalk}

BookTalk is a series of blog posts, where I discuss non-Tolkien books in concise and honest reviews. Read on dear reader …


Medieval Monsters book cover

Many a time I find myself in awe at images and scans of beautifully-crafted manuscripts from the Middle Ages, often wondering what some of the strange, yet colourful creatures adorning the margins actually are or even symbolise. Continue reading “‘Medieval Monsters’ by Damien Kempf and Maria L. Gilbert {BookTalk}”