Tolkien | Trailer 2 is here!

Tolkien Film

Okay folks, a brand new trailer for the film Tolkien just dropped … and it looks wonderful!

Yes, yes, I know I said I’d try not to form any conclusions before actually seeing the film, but it’s difficult to resist once you get to see the scope of the film itself.

The Fox Searchlight production stars Nicholas Hoult as a young J.R.R. Tolkien and Lily Collins as a young Edith Bratt, and is directed by directed by Dome Karukoski.

In the trailer we get some further detailed glimpses into Tolkien and Edith’s relationship, the forming of the TCBS and the outbreak of the First World War …


5 thoughts on “Tolkien | Trailer 2 is here!

  1. Still uncertain about the movie’s accuracy to his actual personality and stated opinions on things. Still excited to see it anyway.

  2. It seems that Tolkien’s WWI experience at the Somme is emphasized. Which gives me hope. It’s been mis-cast, however, in my humble opinion, in terms of his youthful looks and demeanor.

  3. Wow, I am interested to see this now. These types of movies can be tricky, of course, as far as accuracy goes, but as a movie it looks promising! All we can do is hope for the best.

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