Second Age confirmed! LOTR Amazon Series


Ladies and Gentleman, we have the island of Númenor!

LOTRonPrime tweeted earlier today an update to their interactive Middle-earth map … and a confirmation that the series will, in some way, reference the Second Age. Continue reading “Second Age confirmed! LOTR Amazon Series”

The Shire’s Military Structure?

Sam Gamgee (Hobbits)

Raising the Shire

They are (or were) a little people, about half our height […] have long clever brown fingers, good-natured faces, and laugh deep fruity laughs

The Hobbit, ‘An Unexpected Party’, Chapter I

Ranks of skilled archers cleverly readying their bows. Organized groups of infantrymen waiting for the signal to attack. One word and any intruders will find themselves facing serious consequences.

It is hard to conjure up the imagery of an army within the Shire, based on the rather rustic and easy-going characteristics of the above quote.

Continue reading “The Shire’s Military Structure?”

Celebrian: The Silver Crown-Gift

– You asked for it, you got it …

At the mere mention of the word “Celebrian”, the majority of Tolkien readers would stir in their seats; they would frown; and their minds switch to SEARCHING MODE.Arwen and Galadriel

All this in a vain attempt to try and piece together a background for this character and place the name within the stories of Middle-earth.

And I wouldn’t blame them …

Celebrian is an extremely obscure figure, whose references in any of Tolkien’s works (by which I mean not just The Lord of the Rings), amounts to only a handful of words.

So who is Celebrian?

“Celeb” meaning “silver” and “(-rian)” signifying “crown-gift” was an elf of Lórien; and more importantly, she was the daughter of Galadriel and Celeborn.

Furthermore, she was the wife of Elrond and the mother of Elladan, Elrohir and Arwen.

Other than that, we have no date of birth, nor any indication of her presence before the beginning of the Third Age.

In Unfinished Tales, in the chapter concerning ‘The History of Galadriel and Celeborn’, we get a few references to Celebrian.

Continue reading “Celebrian: The Silver Crown-Gift”